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Every year our sponsors help us put on the wonderful events that we all enjoy. And their support continues to help our charitable work throughout the year. In addition to our annual donations to Doylestown Health, proceeds from the Bucks County Designer House & Gardens also support care for those in need, scholarships for outstanding teens and women, community-benefitting projects, and maintenance of the historic James-Lorah House in Doylestown.

Please contact the Sponsorship Committee to learn more or to ask about future sponsorship opportunities or  Contact Us for more information.

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Gala Event Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Premier Media Sponsor

Media Supporters

Print Sponsors

House Sponsors

Presenting Sponsors


Proceeds from the Designer House support Doylestown Health and the charitable missions of the VIA.

Our 2024 House benefits Doylestown Hospital’s VIA Maternity Center

Each year we choose a Doylestown Health project to receive the majority of the Designer House proceeds. For 2024, we’re returning to our roots. For 100 years, Doylestown Hospital has offered one of the best maternity programs in the region. From the very beginning until this present day, we understood the importance of providing excellent maternity services to our community. This commitment was reinforced in 2013, when the VIA made a historic $1 million pledge to name the VIA Maternity Center and support necessary upgrades within its walls.

Proceeds from the 2024 Bucks County Designer House & Gardens will support the continued clinical and programmatic needs of the VIA Maternity Center as Doylestown Health enters its second century of care. Funds will be used to enhance the patient experience, improve technology throughout the Center, and aid in the delivery of personalized-care for mothers and newborns. Specific priority needs include new patient beds for Labor and Delivery, a state-of-the-art security and alert system for the unit, new, wireless fetal monitors for mothers in labor, and additional capital and infrastructure improvements. The generous support received from the 2024 Designer House will play a significant role in bringing approximately 1,300 babies into the world every year at Doylestown Hospital.

We invite you to help us continue making a difference in our community. Since 1895 the women of the VIA have been dedicated to enhancing the health and welfare of Central Bucks County and surrounding communities. Members of our organization continue to govern the nationally-recognized, award-winning Doylestown Health System which we founded in 1923. Additionally, we support those in need, award educational scholarships, donate community-benefitting grants, and much more.

Learn more about Doylestown Hospital’s VIA Maternity Center HERE.

The 49th Bucks County Designer House & Gardens opens April 27th!
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